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Here at Grangers, we love hiking and we know a lot of our lovely customers love it too. From exploring new places right on your doorstep to venturing out further afield, it’s something that can appeal to everyone. With summer rapidly approaching, we thought we’d take the opportunity to gush about one of our favourite pastimes – and maybe convert some nonbelievers along the way. So join us as we break down the top 5 reasons why we’re obsessed with hiking.


1. It keeps you fit.

This one is a no-brainer. Walking is a way of staying active and burning calories. Long walks with inclines will undoubtedly help to keep you healthy and soaking up much-needed Vitamin D has a ton of physical advantages. It helps boost your immune system, helps to lower blood pressure and can aid weight loss. Hiking can also improve your body’s stamina by toning your muscles and strengthening your bones – it’s a low-impact exercise that is kind on your joints. Your heart will also feel the benefit as vigorous walking will get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Hiking regularly will lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke, improving your cardiovascular health and decreasing your risk of disease.


2. Benefits your mental health.

Being outside can massively boost your mental health. Hiking can reduce stress, control anxiety and improve your mood. Exposure to nature and sunlight has been linked to relieving symptoms of depression, especially seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Brisk walking can improve concentration and enhance focus whilst being outdoors can be calming and increase our ability to problem-solve. During lockdown, many turned to hiking to escape their homes and it just about stopped us from going crazy!


3. It’s educational.

When you frequently hike, you begin to get a better understanding of the outdoors, helping you to deeply appreciate and value nature. Exploring trails close to home can lead you to some captivating places right on your doorstep! Things like natural landmarks, fascinating local history and regional flora and fauna can grow your interest in the environment. Hiking can also teach you discipline and self-motivation: by planning, prepping and completing your hikes, you are pushing yourself and testing your endurance. Well done, you!


4. It’s flexible.

Hiking is literally for everyone. It can be adapted to suit everyone’s needs and abilities. Hiking expert? Take yourself on a steep 20-mile trail. Absolute novice? Attempt a beginner’s hike with little to no incline. Somewhere in between? Push yourself to go further than last time and build your confidence. The beauty of hiking is that it is completely flexible and can bend to your requirements. It is a perfect activity to do socially or solo and your surroundings can keep you entertained for hours. And don’t worry if you live in urban areas with little access to green, wide open spaces; towns and cities all have urban trails that you can explore, helping you to stay active and discover your neighbourhood. Make the most of your city’s paths and parks and, if you’re struggling for inspiration, join a local urban hiking group, making friends in the process. This will be especially beneficial for those in urban areas that don’t have access to a garden. Additionally, you can hike in all weathers. Come rain or shine, nothing can stop you from getting outside and experiencing the beauty of the outdoors (especially with help from Grangers!).


5. It’s a free day out.

Need we say more?