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Wear & Care Survey

Grangers have been championing environmentally-responsible aftercare since 1937. Innovation and sustainability are at the heart of everything we do. On 8th June 2020 we launched our Eco Pledge, which included changing our bottles to 100% Recycled Plastic and other exciting initiatives. We launched our Wear & Care Survey to better understand how you use and look after the clothing and footwear you wear outdoors.

One of the most effective ways we can reduce our environmental impact is to make our clothing and equipment last longer. By contributing to our research, you helped us to better understand wear and care habits, the importance of sustainability and lay out the next steps of our sustainability journey which led us to biodegradable formulations, even more refill pouches and stations, and Prevented Ocean Plastic and keep an eye out as there’s even more to come soon!

#withgrangersyoucan #ecograngers