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As part of our 2020 Eco Pledge, we also made a commitment to move all of our products over to eco alternative packaging by 2021.

We began on World Oceans Day 2020, by moving our core range to 100% recycled bottles containing 0% virgin plastic and containing plastic collected from the ocean.

In making these changes to our bottles, you may notice slight variations in colour and also specs, showing the natural elements.

As part of this initiative, we also moved our 1L bottles to pouches, saving 72% plastic packaging and are constantly looking for ways to support reducing plastic waste.

Today, our entire product range is either in the process of moving to, or has already been transitioned over, to an eco upgrade.

We are proud to be the first aftercare brand in the world to offer packaging containing Ocean Waste Plastic and proud to join the fight to reduce plastic waste further and be part of the solution to one of the biggest problems that faces our world today. This is a fight we’re all in together and we pledge to continue to do all we can as a brand to positively impact the world we all love to explore.

Ocean Waste Plastic Update:

Temporarily, in order to ensure a stable, secure supply chain we are in the process of moving our bottles to 100% recycled plastic. This plastic is collected before it reaches the ocean from Post-Consumer recycled HDPE.

Just like our OWP bottles, it continues to contain 0% virgin plastic and is 100% recycled plastic, the only thing you’ll notice is a slight logo change to the front of our bottles and you can be rest assured that in purchasing our Next Generation Bottles, you are helping to make a difference!