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I’m Nigel Vardy, a Derbyshire born and bred (and proud of it) mountaineer.  I’ve walked the hills since childhood, climbed since my teenage years and expeditioned since my twenties.  My adventures have taken me from the Jungles of Asia, to the mountains of the Americas and the ice caps of the Arctic.  It’s safe to say I’ve had a fair few close calls over the years, including severe frostbite, near drowning, appendicitis and major falls, but nothing stops me. I continue to travel and explore, always looking over the horizon for my next adventure.  I also travel in my beloved 1977 VW Camper Van, exploring home shores and finding places away from the maddening crowds.

I’m also an accomplished author, writer and speaker.  I’ve spoken to thousands of students about adventure, I’m a core presenter at the Kendal Mountain Festival and I’ve written two books about my mountaineering life. I’m also a #GetOutside Champion for the Ordnance Survey and an Ambassador for the Mountain Heritage Trust.

I don’t mind the cold, but the wet is another matter.  Due to extensive skin grafting after Frostbite, I have to keep my wounds dry and in excellent condition on my travels.  Grangers products keep my kit working as it should, holding the rain, sleet and snow at bay, allowing me to continue on my adventures.  I have no fear of the conditions, but I need everything to be working at the top of its game.  This is what Grangers does well.  I’m also a keen environmentalist and Leave No Trace Trainer.  I support Grangers in their policies of PFC-Free Aftercare and support of the Responsible Down Standard.